During the pandemic, as Americans started working from home, there were fewer cars on the road, making rush hour traffic feel like a bad dream. Despite this, safety remained a concern. Car accidents still occur every minute of every day, and even minor fender benders can have significant long-term health consequences. Mild whiplash, for instance, can impact job performance, cause lifelong muscle and joint pain, and leave people feeling helpless.
There are many unanswered questions about trauma sustained during a car crash. Did the accident cause more injuries than just whiplash? What are the most common injuries in a car accident? Is it too late for a second opinion? Do you need physical therapy, and can you afford it? And, most importantly, when is it a good time to contact a car accident lawyer?
A Low Impact Collision Can Cause Serious Injury
The average vehicle weighs more than four tons and an accident while traveling at 30 mph can put up to 2.4 tons of pressure on your seatbelt. An accident at this speed is enough to cause serious injury, and even be fatal, to those involved. The sheer weight of a vehicle means that any accident, no matter how fast the car is traveling at the time, can cause serious injuries like a whiplash neck injury.
An update on whiplash-associated disorders from the Mayo Clinic lists neck pain, stiffness, sensorimotor dysfunction, psychological and cognitive issues, sleeping disorders, and pain throughout the entire body as potential side effects. Many of these medical ailments are known to last up to three months, although half of the patients in the study had pain that lasted months longer — and even for years after the accident.
Some common injuries sustained in car accidents include:
- Spinal cord injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Head and neck injuries
- Back injuries
- Burn injuries
- Broken bones
- Internal injuries
- Disfigurement
- Loss of limbs
The Cost of a Motor Vehicle Accident
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to leave its mark on everyday American life. One would assume that keeping people at home to avoid spreading the virus would mean fewer car accidents. However, a report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that in 2021 there was a 10.5% increase in motor accident fatalities when compared to 2020. The 42,915 fatalities recorded in 2021 make this the highest number of car accident fatalities since 2005. It’s also the largest overall increase since the NHTSA started tracking accidents using the Fatality Analysis Reporting System.
As car accidents with injuries increase, the actual cost can be difficult to understand without having a complete picture of the overall impact on a person’s physical, mental, and financial health. Wage and productivity loss, vehicle and property damage, employer costs, medical expenses, and even administrative costs all factor into an insurance claim or the final dollar figure of a legal settlement.
According to the National Safety Council, the total for all vehicle injury costs in 2020 was estimated at $473.2 billion. Working with an experienced attorney will not only help you understand the true cost of your accident, but a law firm like Avrek Law will fight to ensure you get the amount you deserve — including long-term physical therapy for accident victims.
What if It’s a Spinal Cord Injury Car Accident?
Going to physical therapy to help treat injuries caused by a car accident can be life-changing for those who can afford it. Determining who pays for physical therapy isn’t always clear. Even if you have no-fault or at-fault insurance, the length of time and limited number of sessions is usually outlined in the insurance policy.

Consulting a car accident attorney is crucial for understanding insurance policies and seeking compensation for medical expenses like physical therapy after an accident.
If the damage is to the spinal cord, then you might not get the full coverage you need to pay for physical therapy and long-term medical assistance, not to mention the mental trauma of being confined to a wheelchair. Any injury involving the spinal cord can be life-changing. Types of spinal cord injuries can include:
- Thoracic (upper back) or lumbar (lower back) spinal cord injuries can affect the torso, legs, bladder, bowels, and ability to have sex.
- Cervical (neck) spinal cord injury can create paralysis in the arms and hands, and even make it hard to breathe without assistance.
- Acute spinal cord injuries can create no sensation or mobility below the level of the injury or offer some feeling and ability to control limited motion.
- Severe spinal cord injuries can leave the victim completely paralyzed with permanent impairments like paraplegia or quadriplegia.
Hire an Expert Car Injury Attorney Who Will Fight for You
Although car accidents are common, and only getting worse every year, it’s still a shock to those involved. This makes it hard to think critically about the accident, what your insurance covers, and if you’re getting the true value owed to you based on your injuries. What are the most common injuries in a car accident? When you work with an auto accident lawyer, they will go the extra mile to make sure you’re working with a doctor who knows exactly what to look for after a car accident, and that your insurance will pay for your treatments. With more than 50 years combined experience representing cases in several states that involve car accidents. Auto accident attorneys from Avrek Law are the experts when it comes to ensuring you get the justice you deserve. The consultation is free including in Orange County, and you’ll get advice from a law firm with more than $1 billion recovered in more than 45,000 cases. View one of our locations or contact us for a free consultation.
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