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Looking for the best personal injury attorney San Diego has to offer? We represent local injury clients and win cases that other San Diego law firms reject!

Call us for a free injury consultation today and learn why you should choose a San Diego injury attorney from Avrek Law to represent your case!

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San Diego Personal Injury Legal Services

Avrek Law Firm’s experienced personal injury lawyers in San Diego balance the scales of justice for our injured clients by providing aggressive and thoughtful legal representation. Our team is specialized in each area of personal injury law and are ready to help you get on the road to recovery and receive maximum compensation for your injuries. If you’re looking for representation for a car accident, rideshare accident, a slip and fall accident, or animal attack, our experienced and qualified team at Avrek Law can help. Browse our full list of legal services that we offer in the San Diego area and contact us today for a free consultation or free second opinion. If you’re looking for the best injury lawyers in San Diego, Avrek Law is the place!

To learn more, call us at (619) 649-4527 or click the button below for your free consultation or free second opinion on your personal injury case today.

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Below are a list of some of the common personal injury legal services that we offer at Avrek Law:
  • Auto Accidents
  • Trucking Accidents
  • Animal Attacks
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Rideshare Accidents
  • Burn Accidents
  • Personal Injury
  • Bicycle & Pedestrian Accidents
  • Workplace Accidents
  • Slip & Fall/Premise Liability
  • Other Accidents


Auto v. Auto

Client suffered a traumatic brain injury after a vehicle smashed into the back of her parked vehicle; the insurance company failed to pay the $250,000 policy in a timely manner.



Uhaul failed to properly maintain and repair vehicle causing traumatic brain injury


Auto v Motorcycle

Our team represented an injured motorcyclist and won well over the $50k insurance policy limit.


Auto v. Auto

Client’s car was rear-ended on the 10 Freeway in California, causing a severe brain injury.


Premises Liability

Plaintiff was sitting on a bench outside a pharmacy when someone pinned him between their car and the building. Settlement was against both the driver and the pharmacy chain.


Auto v. Motorcycle

Insurance company failed to pay policy limits to injured client suffering from a fractured arm and clavicle.


Auto v. Pedestrian

Client was fatally injured when they fell onto the roadway and were ran over.


Auto v. Motorcycle

The defendant, a County of Riverside trash truck, made a left turn in front of the client, causing serious orthopedic injuries.


Auto v. Auto

Client was a passenger in a car that crashed into a flatbed truck parked on the side of the road and the driver of the car she was in fled the scene.


Auto v. Truck

Client experienced severe brain injuries after he rear-ended a truck that was parked on the side of the road without reflectors.


Auto v. Auto

Motor vehicle accident case and bad faith insurance case where the defendant’s carrier failed to pay the limits in a timely manner.


Auto v. Bus

Three clients were severely injured during a bus accident.


Premises Liability

Case against the State of California for a dangerous public condition.


Auto v. Motorcycle

A taxi made a left turn in front of the client’s motorcycle, which caused fatal injuries.


Auto v. Motorcycle

Motorcycle client was hit by a defendant who did not yield while turning left, which resulted in death.


Product Liability

Client’s car rolled over due to a faulty tire and design of the vehicle, resulting in a brain injury.


Rideshare Accident

The client was walking across the street and was hit by a rideshare driver on New Year’s Eve, resulting in a severe brain injury.


Auto v. Bicycle

Client riding a bicycle swerved across the street running into the other parties’ Dodge Durango.


Auto v. Auto

Client was rear ended at the stop light resulting in soft tissue injuries.


Auto v. Auto

Defendant driving a flatbed trailer turned in front of pregnant client, which pinned her vehicle and caused her to have an emergency c-section.


Auto v. Auto

Client was a passenger in a vehicle and suffered a traumatic brain injury due to auto accident.


Auto v. Auto

Client suffered traumatic brain injury after running into a car that was blocking the road.


Auto v. Auto

Client suffered soft tissue injuries following rear end chain accident.


Auto v. Motorcycle

Client sustained fractured pelvis injury for accident in which they were found at fault.


Auto v. Auto

Client suffered soft tissue back injury following a rear-end car accident.


Auto v. Pedestrian

While walking across the street, client was struck by a vehicle and was then taken to the hospital with critical injuries.


Auto v. Motorcycle

Severe injuries were sustained when the motorcycle client was hit by a driver making an illegal lane change.


Motorcycle v. Motorcycle

Client was riding his motorcycle when he was rear-ended by another motorcycle.


Police Brutality

Police brutality case in which the client suffered from two broken legs after being assaulted by police.


Auto v. Motorcycle

Successfully resolved second opinion case in which client was turned down by another law firm. Client suffered leg amputation from accident where police report blamed client.


Auto v. Auto

Client suffered from soft tissue injuries.



Fatal accident in which the client lost control and crashed into a guardrail.


Bicycle v. Truck

Severe injuries were sustained when a client was riding his bicycle and was run over by the front tire of a semi-truck.


Auto v. Motorcycle

While driving his motorcycle in the fast lane, the client was hit by a car exiting the carpool lane across double yellow lines.


Premises Liability

A fence fell on the client when employees were passing tools over it.


Public Entity

Client had a surfing injury to spinal cord after lack of proper instructions by camp.


Rideshare Accident

Client suffered from lower back injury following ride share accident.


Animal Attack

The client was attacked by a dog and suffered from severe facial lacerations, resulting in six different surgeries.


Medical Malpractice

Wrongful death claim in which the surgeon acted negligently.


Auto v. Auto

On the freeway, client was in a prior accident when she was struck two vehicles that did not see her.


Public Entity

County refused to fix a dangerous bridge despite having been alerted to the problem, resulting in the client’s traumatic brain injury.



While riding in a company truck as a passenger, a car turned in front of the vehicle and caused a collision.



Client suffered wrist injury with no hospital treatment after being side-swiped by delivery driver.


Rideshare Accident

Client suffered from wrist and upper body pain in ride share accident.


Auto v. Auto

Client suffered neck and back injury following rear end accident.


SUV v. Truck

Client was found at fault in collision which resulted in loss of life.


Workplace Accident

A large window crushed the client at his workplace, resulting in severe injuries.


Workplace Accident

Client was injured at work and suffered a broken nose and injured neck.


Motorcycle v. Bus

Client suffered broken leg as a result of accident. Liability was disputed.


Rideshare Accident

Client suffered lower back injury in ride share accident.


Auto v. Pedestrian

The pedestrian client was struck by a vehicle and the insurance company failed to pay the $100,000 policy limits, resulting in a much higher settlement.


Auto v. Auto

In stop-and-go traffic, client was rear-ended by a distracted driver who pushed client’s car into the car in front of hers.


Auto v. Commercial

Client experienced lower back and neck pain, pain in both knees, and headaches due to a rear-end collision with a semi-truck.


Auto v. Auto

Defendant crashed into the client while changing lanes.



As client entered freeway in his work truck and was rear ended by a distracted driver in a commercial work van.


Auto v. Auto

As client was crossing the intersection, he was hit by a car making a left turn.


Auto v. Motorcycle

Client was riding his motorcycle when he was hit by a car and another car hit him.


Rideshare Accident

Injuries that required surgery were sustained when client was hit by a car making an illegal left turn into oncoming traffic.


Slip & Fall

Client slipped on soap left in an aisle in Walmart.


Product Liability

Suit filed against an auto manufacturer related to injuries that were sustained in an accident.


Product Liability

Single vehicle accident resulting in fatalities.


Auto v. Auto

Client’s back and neck were injured as a result of an auto accident.


Premises Liability

Client suffered a hand crush injury while operating a forklift.


Auto v. Auto

Client was rear-ended in a car accident, causing severe injuries that required surgery.


Auto v. Bicycle

Client was riding his bike and was hit by a vehicle, which resulted in neck surgery.


Auto v. Pedestrian

A pedestrian was hit in a crosswalk by an undercover police officer.


Animal Attack

While walking her own dog, the client was attacked by another dog, which resulted in stitches on her legs and arms.


Auto v. Auto

Client suffered back injuries after rear-end car accident.


Auto v. Auto

Represented client who lost their life as a passenger in an auto collision.


Animal Attack

Client was a housekeeper who suffered injuries following a dog bite at employer’s house.


Auto v. Auto (DUI)

Client experienced stitches on the right thumb, neck pain, and lower back pain due to a T-bone accident in which the other party was under the influence (DUI).


Slip & Fall

In Albertson’s, the client slipped on liquid on the floor, which resulted in pain on the left side of her body.


Rideshare Accident

Client was passenger and suffered head injury.


Rideshare Accident

A car driving for Uber and going the wrong way on the road hit client head on.


Auto v. Auto

Defendant was changing lanes illegally without signaling when he hit the client, causing leg injuries.


Auto v. Auto

While client was waiting at a stop light, she was rear-ended by a car that failed to stop in time.


Burn Injury

Our client was the victim of severe burns after an explosion took place at his work.


Auto v. Truck

Client experienced back and shoulder pain following accident.


Medical Malpractice

Doctor negligently left foreign objects inside client during surgery.


Auto v. Pedestrian

A tow truck hit the pedestrian in a crosswalk, causing a broken leg and ankle, and requiring surgery.


Public Entity

County of San Bernardino failed to post clear warning signs next to a washed-out bridge, causing client to crash into the riverbed.


Auto v. Auto

Client was waiting at a stop light and was rear-ended by a car that failed to stop in time.


Auto v. Auto

Defendant ran a red light and collided with a car in which the client was a passenger.



Client was crossing an intersection when he was run over by a UPS truck and the truck left the scene.


Medical Malpractice

Hospital advised an unnecessary surgery, resulting in complications for clients.


Public Entity

Client was punched by 10 to 15 students during school hours.


Auto v. Auto

While stopped at a red light, the client was rear-ended by a car that failed to stop in time.


Auto v. Auto

Defendant, who was hauling a horse trailer, rear-ended the client while on the freeway.


Auto v. Train

Client was struck by a train when the train crossing arm was still up, resulting in severe injuries.


Premises Liability

Overgrown bushes blocked a sidewalk, forcing the client to step into the street where he was hit by a vehicle.


Workplace Accident

At a worksite, the client was injured when a driver of forklift ran him over and broke his leg.


Slip & Fall

Client suffered head injuries caused by a slip-and-fall accident at a restaurant.


Workplace Accident

While the client was working on a roof, she slipped and fell resulting, which resulted in injuries that required surgery.


Auto v. Auto

Client experienced neck and left shoulder pain due to a rear-end car accident.


Auto v. Pedestrian

Severe injuries were sustained when the client riding his skateboard and hit by a car on the roadway.


Auto v. Auto

Defendant made a U-turn and crashed into client’s car causing property damage and a facial laceration that required 50 stitches.


Auto v. Bicycle

While riding a bicycle, the client sustained several fractures when hit by a car.


Auto v. Bicycle

While biking across the street, the client was hit by a car and suffered a spinal fracture.


Auto v. Motorcycle

Severe injuries were sustained when the motorcycle client was hit by a car that made an illegal lane change.


Auto v. Truck

While driving on the shoulder of the freeway, the client crashed into a stopped semi-truck, which resulted in fatal injuries.


Rideshare Accident

A client in a rideshare vehicle was hit by a drunk driver and sustained severe injuries that required surgery.


Medical Malpractice

Doctor knowingly and improperly advised client regarding treatment.


Auto v. Auto

Client experienced knee pain and a small laceration on the right side of the head after the other party reversed into the client’s vehicle.


Rideshare Accident

The client was driving for Lyft when the defendant ran red light and crashed into his car.


Auto v. Auto

Client was a passenger in a car when they ran a red light and were t-boned by a car coming in the opposite direction.


Rideshare Accident

Client was a passenger in a Lyft when the driver made an illegal left turn and a car crashed into them.


Auto v. Pedestrian

The defendant ran over the pedestrian client who was resting at a park.


Auto v. Pedestrian

The defendant struck a pedestrian in a motorized wheelchair when he was crossing a street in a crosswalk.


Motorcycle v. Truck

Motorcycle client was riding his motorcycle and entering an intersection when a flat-bed truck pulled into the intersection and blocked all lanes of traffic, causing a collision.


Slip & Fall

When client went to a rehab center to visit her son, she tripped on cement wheel blocks in a dark parking lot.


Public Entity

Dangerous parking lot layout resulted in severe injuries to a pedestrian client.


Auto v. Auto

Client experienced neck pain, pain in the left shoulder, and headaches as a result of a rear-end car accident.


Auto v. Motorcycle

Client suffered fractured ribs after the other party failed to yield the right of way to the client on the motorcycle.


Slip & Fall

While walking through a hotel in Las Vegas, the client slipped on liquid on the floor and hit his head.


Public Entity

A truck knocked down a pole that our client ran over in the road.


Auto v. Bicycle

Client was riding in a bicycle lane when the defendant turned into the alley and hit him.


Auto v. Truck

Defendant driving a semi-truck hit the client when making an unsafe left turn.


Premises Liability

A minor client was playing and fell two floors down through a trap emergency door that should have been locked.


Premises Liability

As client walked down her friend’s stairs in her apartment building, one of the steps gave way and she fell from the second to the first floor.


Public Entity

Severe injuries were sustained when a city truck ran over the client while he was lying on sand at the beach.


Public Entity

City left an open manhole on a busy street, which resulted in injuries to the client in a car accident.


Auto v. Auto

Client experienced headaches, back pain, and foot pain as a result of an accident in which two vehicles were racing and collided with the client from behind.


Auto v. Auto

As the client entered an intersection, he was hit by a police car crossing the intersection during a red light with no siren on.


Auto v. Truck

Defendant was blocking three lanes of traffic when the client crashed into the trailer of the semi-truck.


Rideshare Accident

Severe injuries were sustained when client was driving his Lyft passenger home and was hit when a car ran a red light and fled the scene.


Auto v. Auto

Severe injuries were sustained when a client was a passenger in a friend’s car that was cut off and they hit the car in front of them and were rear-ended.


Animal Attack

Two off-leash dogs attacked another dog, and the client sustained injuries while trying to break up the animals.


Premises Liability

While walking into Walmart, the client was hit by a cart machine that knocked her to the ground.


Slip & Fall

Elderly client slipped at a local drugstore, causing a broken hip that required surgery.


Workplace Accident

At his workplace, the client slipped on spilled water and tore his ACL and MCL.


Auto v. Auto

Client experienced bodily pain and injuries to the neck and back due to an accident in which the other party turned left directly into the client.


Rideshare Accident

Client was a passenger in a Lyft when the driver made an illegal left turn and a car crashed into them.


Auto v. Truck

Client was rear ended by a semi-truck when she stopped at a light.


Rideshare Accident

The client was rear-ended by another car who was hit by a car that fled the scene while driving two Lyft passengers.


Burn Injury

The client suffered burns on her legs when boiling water was dropped on her at a work event.


Auto v. Bicycle

Bicycle client was riding in the bike lane; a car sped up to catch the light and crashed into client causing him to hit the hood and land on his neck.


Auto v. Auto

Client experienced lower back pain after two cars veered to avoid hitting each other, causing the client to be rear ended.


Auto v. Truck

Multiple fractures were sustained when the speeding vehicle the client was a passenger in ran into a semi-truck.


Auto v. Pedestrian

The client was dropped off at school, and when she crossed the street, she was hit by a car whose driver was blinded by the sun.


Rideshare Accident

While driving for Uber, the client picked up four people who beat him up after an argument.


Auto v. Auto

Client suffered a neck injury after the other party made an unsafe turn in front of the client.


Auto v. Auto

Client experienced pain in their right arm and shoulder after being rear ended at a light.


Auto v. Auto

Client was rear-ended when he stopped for a pedestrian to cross the street.


Auto v. Auto

As client was driving with her 4-year-old child, a car made an unsafe left turn at a high rate of speed and they collided.


Auto v. Auto

Defendant was not paying attention and rear-ended in a three-car pile-up.


Auto v. Auto

While driving on the freeway, client was hit by a drunk driver going 100 mph.


Auto v. Auto

Client was hit head-on by a car crossing the center divider.


Auto v. Auto

Client was a passenger in a vehicle that attempted to make a lane change, then lost control and collided head-on into center divider.


Auto v. Auto

When client ran out of gas on the freeway, she was rear-ended by a speeding car.


Auto v. Auto

Client was driving and unable to stop in time when a car came out of a driveway and pulled out in front of her.


Auto v. Bicycle

Bicycle client was hit by a car, causing a broken hip, concussion and shattered leg that required surgery.


Auto v. Bicycle

As bicycle client rode through an intersection on a green light, he was hit by a car driven by a distracted driver.


Auto v. Bicycle

Bicycle client was crossing an intersection and she was hit when a car ran a stop sign.


Auto v. Bicycle

Bicycle client was riding across an intersection when he was hit head-on by defendant making a right-hand turn.


Auto v. Pedestrian

The client was buckling up a baby in the backseat of her car when a car pulled into the space next to her and crushed her against the car door.


Auto v. Pedestrian

As client was walking his dog, he was hit by a car making a wide left turn.


Auto v. Motorcycle

Client was riding his motorcycle in the carpool lane when a car moved to the right and bumped him, causing him to lose control.


Auto v. Motorcycle

While client was riding his motorcycle, he was cut off by another car that caused him to run into the back of a SUV.


Auto v. Truck

Severe injuries were sustained when client was cut off by a nursery truck and she crashed into trees.


Rideshare Accident

Client was involved in a fatal accident when they crashed into a police vehicle in an intersection.



Client was a passenger in a company vehicle that collided with a prior crash that involved a UPS truck.


Animal Attack

Client was bitten by a dog at a fairground and needed in 10 stitches.


Burn Injury

Third-degree burns were sustained when the client touched an extremely hot object at a restaurant.


Auto v. Truck

As client drove on a roadway, a semi-truck started changing lanes and ran her off of the road, which resulted in injuries.

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Attorneys for the People

Real Clients, Real Results

"Great firm! The staff and attorneys are all well organized and extremely well informed! Lesley was extremely helpful with my case updates, thank you Avrek!"

"Great service! They were so friendly and really on top of everything when it came to handling my claim. I got a very high return also, which I was so pleased with! Thank you!"

"Very helpful and understanding also patient with all my calls to the law firm. Never had an issue with any of my negotiators. Everyone has answered my questions each time I have called or left messages. Thanks to everyone who was involved in mine and children\'s lawsuit."

"Great people to work with. Makes the process of personal injury consult and process easy and convenient."

"Thanks Avrek Law for helping my daughter and I with our really bad accident case. We appreciate that you guys kept us updated so often and were always honest and truthful about our case. Great help! You guys are the best!"

"The law firm was great definitely took the weight off my shoulders, very professional, great team, recommend this law firm to any one with legal situations."

"Super professional and knowledgeable staff. Seamless process from beginning to end. Highly recommend Avrek Law Firm!"

Frequently Asked Questions

Avrek Law Firm has over 25 years of experience and over $1 Billion recovered for our clients. Our track record speaks for itself! We consistently win cases that other attorneys have rejected or couldn’t win.

The personal injury claim process is a minefield for the inexperienced. Insurance companies, at least in theory, are supposed to oversee the process in an equitable manner, but they consistently put their interests before those of accident victims. Hiring Avrek Law Firm ensures that your needs come first.

The question of how much a claim is worth can be one of the most difficult to answer, and it is sometimes best explained when you outline what you could be entitled to then discuss actual damages. Accident victims are usually entitled to receive compensation for:

  • Medical bills and hospital expenses (including future medical costs)
  • Rehabilitation
  • Lost wages and lost earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • To find out how much your claim might be worth, click here to schedule a free consultation.

Avrek Law Firm accepts personal injury cases on a contingency basis, which means that you don’t pay unless your claim is successfully resolved. At that point, you would pay Avrek Law Firm a percentage of your total award or settlement. If you don’t win, you don’t pay!

Yes! You are always entitled to a free, no-obligation consultation or second opinion on your case. If you are not happy with the attorney that represents you, or feel that the offer received by your attorney from the insurance company is not enough, call Avrek Law Firm so we can properly evaluate your claim.

Each type of case has a statute of limitations, which means you only have a certain amount of time to file a claim. In California, the statute of limitations is only 2 years for auto accident claims. But don’t wait to call! Other statutes can be much shorter, and you may not realize that you have a different type of claim that applies to your accident!

‘Personal Injury’ is a legal term that includes situations where harm is caused by one person or entity to another person. A personal injury lawyer or attorney is someone who represents an individual who was injured in an accident. Personal injury attorneys help accident victims navigate the legal system to obtain the maximum compensation possible for their legal case. Avrek Law Firm is here to help. Contact us for a free consultation about your case or a free second opinion today.

For every personal injury accident (including car accidents) a claim must usually be filed. Filing claims can be a very tedious process and are often hard to navigate. Avrek Law Firm is here to help you with this process. Our team of experts has over 50 years of experience navigating this process successfully. While we deal with the claims process, you can focus on recovering from your injuries due to your accident. Our lawyers and legal staff fight on your behalf to obtain the maximum compensation that you deserve. Having an attorney after a personal injury accident can also help you obtain a much larger settlement than if you attempted to file, and attempted to settle, a claim on your own. Learn more about the process of filing a claim and how the team at Avrek Law Firm can help you today.

The ‘personal injury’ umbrella includes situations where harm is caused by one person or entity to another person. Examples include injuries sustained in auto accidents (including cars, trucks, and rideshare), workplace accidents (including construction accidents), accidents involving pedestrians, motorcycle accidents, slip and fall (along with other premises liability), medical malpractice (including birth injuries), animal attacks, burn accidents, and other personal injury accidents. Learn more about how Avrek Law can help you navigate your personal injury case today.

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About San Diego, CA

Avrek Law - San Diego, CA

San Diego is considered a paradise to many. From the shores of La Jolla Beach to the San Diego Zoo to the museums of Balboa Park, San Diego is a city of beauty, adventure, and rich culture. The sunny, warm weather draws visitors from around the world to marvel at the beauty of California and bask in the sun. With so many things to entertain the city is a wonderful place to live, work, and to learn how to surf.

Avrek Law Firm is proud to serve local San Diegans as the preferred personal injury lawyer in San Diego, CA and other nearby cities. Avrek provides personal injury legal services, and support, for surrounding local areas, including: El Cajon, La Mesa, National City, Santee, Escondido, Encinitas, Chula Vista, San Marcos, and Carlsbad.

For information and support on your personal injury case, please connect with us over the phone by giving us a call at (619) 649-4527, or by filling out the form below for one of our attorneys to contact you. We don’t get paid unless we win your case! If you or a loved one needs help from a personal injury lawyer in San Diego, California, contact us today for a free consultation or free second opinion on your case.

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