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Side-Impact Collision Accidents

There are two types of accidents that involve impacts to the side of a vehicle – broadside accidents (another vehicle crashes head-first or rear-first into a car) and T-bone collisions (the crash impact resembles a T or right angle). According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), side-impact vehicle crashes accounted for 23% of passenger occupant deaths in 2018.

Avrek Law Firm’s expert car accident lawyers understand the complexities of fault after a side-impact collision, and can help you navigate submitting a claim and receiving the maximum amount of damage compensation you deserve.

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Side-Impact Collision Injury

A sideswipe accident takes place when the vehicles are traveling in the same direction and one or both vehicles hit the side of the other car. Both broadside accidents and T-bone collisions can result in car damage, as well as serious injury or death. It is always recommended that you speak with a qualified personal injury attorney to assist you recover financially after the accident.

Common injuries from side-impact collisions include:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) A major cause of death and disability in the United States, TBIs from motor vehicle accidents account for 20% of all TBI-related hospitalizations.
  • Chest Trauma Chest injuries sustained in a car accident generally occur in the chest wall and involve a restricted air and blood flow, which makes breathing difficult.
  • Broken Ribs A variation of chest trauma, broken ribs are often a result of a side impact collision.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

If you or someone you know was injured or killed in a T-bone or sideswipe collision caused by someone else, contact the skilled personal injury lawyers at Avrek Law Firm. We carefully investigate the facts, interview witnesses and review police reports in order to determine liability.

Proficient at fighting for victims’ rights, Avrek Law Firm has more than 50 years of combined experience to obtain the maximum amount of damages and compensation they deserve. To schedule your free case consultation, call our office or fill out the online form today!

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