Despite the economic slowdown affecting many companies, Uber has continued to grow. The number of Uber users increased to 131 million, rising 11% for its strongest quarter ever. More and more people are using ridesharing apps as a prime method of transportation. With fewer people taking public transit, more congestion, accidents, and injuries can occur on the roads. Since ridesharing accidents are more complicated than other car accident claims, here’s what you need to know before consulting an Uber car accident lawyer.
How Likely Are You to Get Into a Ridesharing Accident?
It’s hard to know just how many accidents occur with people who are ridesharing. The information available comes right from the ridesharing apps. Uber’s most recent US Safety Report is from 2019-2020 and reports that 99.9% of their trips end without any safety-related issues. Only 0.1% of trips request support for a safety-related problem, and only 0.0002% report that a critical safety incident occurred, including motor vehicle fatalities and fatal physical assault. Uber also claims that half of the fatalities involved risky behavior, such as alcohol or speeding, and 94% were caused by third-party drivers.
The numbers are very similar at Lyft. In their most recent safety report published in 2021, 99% of their rides end without a safety report. They claim that in 2019, 49 reports resulted in a motor vehicle fatality. All safety incidents only account for 0.0002% of all trips.

If you find yourself in a rideshare accident and need legal representation, consider reaching out to the best rideshare accident lawyer to ensure your rights are protected and you receive the compensation you deserve.
What Happens if You Are Injured in an Uber?
After the accident, it is crucial to record as much as you can, even if you were a passenger. Call for medical assistance, even if the injury seems minor, get everyone’s insurance and contact information, take pictures, speak with the police and witnesses, and get photos of the scene. An innocent party can use documentation to establish fault and later receive compensation. After the accident, Uber also suggested that drivers, passengers, and pedestrians report the incident to Uber directly.
Can you sue Uber, the company itself? It’s difficult to sue Uber since their employees are considered independent contractors. Therefore, Uber is less likely to be at fault for their drivers’ accidents. Typically, the insurance of the individual at fault for the crash will be responsible for providing compensation.
Uber requires all their drivers to have personal car insurance. When their driver uses the app, Uber will provide additional third-party liability if the driver’s auto insurance doesn’t apply. The amount varies depending on whether the driver is waiting for a ride request, en route to pick up riders, or during the trip itself.
Determining who is at fault is the most important step in any insurance claim or lawsuit. Liability is also one of the most complex aspects of an auto insurance claim. A ridesharing accident lawyer can help navigate the complexity of the insurance and liability of all parties.
What Happens if Your Lyft Gets in an Accident?
What follows after a Lyft accident is very similar to an Uber accident. All their drivers are considered independent contractors, and directly suing Lyft is very rare. Instead, the insurance of the driver who is at fault for the accident will be responsible for providing compensation. Lyft requires that all drivers have personal auto policies.
Should a driver’s personal insurance not apply or provide enough coverage, Lyft will provide third-party liability insurance. The amount varies depending on the type of accident and when it occurs.
Sometimes, third-party insurance doesn’t provide enough compensation to cover injuries or other damages, or they refuse to pay out altogether. In this case, it is best to consult with a rideshare accident lawyer to file a lawsuit.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Whether you’re the driver of a ridesharing app, a passenger, or a third-party pedestrian or driver, an Uber accidents lawyer can help you get compensation for your injuries. At Avrek Law in Fresno, we have recovered more than $1 billion for our clients in over 45,000 cases. Start your free consultation with one of our experienced Uber accident lawyers or learn more about our no win, no fee policy.
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