For all Orange County auto accident attorney, the most common question that they get from their clients injured in a car accident is, “What is the personal injury claim settlement process and how long will it take to settle?” This question is quite difficult for the attorneys to answer since they do not dictate the rate of the proceedings, just the terms, to an extent.
The truth of the scenario, however, is that the time is generally unknown. Especially during the earlier proceedings of the case. Each and every case is different, so the time taken to meet the settlement is also different, even if the cases are being settled by the same firm. Some cases may be settled quickly, in just a matter of time while others take longer depending on the details involved.

Most people are usually under the assumption that the settlement is just a matter of presenting the case then immediately getting your money. This is not the case. Even with an iron clad case and a trainload of evidence backing it up, the settlement will always be disputed, so hiring a personal injury attorney to handle your case will increase your chances of winning a personal injury lawsuit.
Sometimes the injuries incurred are usually severe. This translates into specialized treatment that takes a toll both on the body and the person’s bank account. In the cases where the insurance company does not cover the treatment and the person is unable to earn a living, then there is usually a level of financial strain. This tends to make the affected clients put some pressure on their attorneys to settle the claim as soon as possible. The failure of them to do so is never the directly the fault of the attorney.
Since a settlement is supposed to cover everything, it gets difficult to determine this at a time when the victim is yet to make a full recovery. It is also difficult to request a settlement value at the early stages of the case before all the facts have been laid on the table.
Getting that early settlement may lead you to get less money than your injury is actually worth. You may also get the early settlement that you desire then later develop another condition as a direct result of the injury. You are then forced to spend your own money to cover the costs as you already got the settlement before the condition was presented to be included in your settlement. It is thus better to wait for all proceedings to be conducted since the settlement is supposed to be comprehensive, from the day you incurred your injury.
Acceptance of a Case Settlement
Before your Orange County auto accident attorney accepts a settlement, he has to fully consider some aspects of your case. These aspects include the following:
1. What is the total cost that your medical bills have amounted to?
2. Have you suffered any permanent bodily injuries that may affect your potential to generate an income?
3. Is there a need for any further or specialized medical treatment? If yes, how much will it eventually cost?
4. How much have you lost in terms of income and employee benefits as a direct result of your sustained injury?
This means going for regular checkups and assessments during the duration of your case to gather all the facts pertaining to your medical condition, injury and process of recovery. You also need to get some form of authorized documentation from your employer, or any form of document that can detail your earning history and an approximation of your expected earnings that you lost as a result of the injury.
After all the above questions have been answered and the supporting documentation gathered to back up your claims, then your personal injury attorney will be in a position to actually put a value on your case. You may still be wondering “How often do personal injury cases go to trial?” An attorney can give you an approximate prediction of a time when you can expect to get the settlement or if your case looks like it will see the inside of a courtroom, as well as their insight on how to win a personal injury claim.
If you have suffered any injuries in an auto accident and are not yet represented by a lawyer for insurance claims, then get in touch with Avrek Law Firm to discuss the personal injury claim settlement process. Avrek Law has more than 50 years of combined experience in personal injury claims, which has led to the recovery of more than $1 billion in over 45,000 cases. Contact us for a free consultation on your particular case!