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Back Injuries – Hiring a Lawyer for Car Accident Damages

Motor vehicle accidents happen every day, and many can yield serious injuries. Back injuries are high on the list of common injuries caused by car accidents. If you have been injured in a car accident, sustained back injuries and need an auto accident attorney, Avrek Law Firm can help you receive the compensation that you deserve.

In 2017, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported an estimated 6,452,000 police-reported traffic crashes. The human body isn’t designed to sustain the impact of a car collision, even at relatively low speeds, and back injuries are usual injuries endured by drivers and passengers alike. Even minor back injuries can have a serious effect on a person’s mobility and can cause ongoing pain that may be difficult to resolve.

If you have suffered a back injury from a motor vehicle accident, working with an auto accident attorney you can trust can help you receive fair compensation.

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Types of Back Injuries Caused by Traffic Accidents

Car accidents can cause back injuries that include sprains, strains and catastrophic spinal cord injuries with pain ranging from mild to debilitating. Any of the three general areas of the spine – cervical, (neck), thoracic (upper back) and lumbar (lower back) – can be injured in auto accidents. Some of the various types of back injuries that can occur due to a car crash include:

Thoracic Spinal Injuries
This area of the spine connects to the chest and the ribs. Fractures and sprains in the thoracic region are generally caused by high velocity accidents. Injuries in the thoracic area can be very serious and can result in permanent damage to the nerves.

Lumbar Spinal Injuries
The five largest vertebrae and the strongest muscles providing spinal stability are located in the lumbar area, and strains or sprains in this region can be particularly painful. When a strain occurs, the muscles, tendons or ligaments are painfully stretched. A sprain realizes actual damage to the ligaments. Both sprains and strains can cause swelling, tenderness, bruising, limited movement and restricted activity for the victim.

Herniated Discs
Spinal discs help cushion and separate the vertebrae and protect the spine. When a disc is displaced, or herniated, it puts pressure on the spinal cord and connecting nerves, causing sudden intense pain in the lower back and numbness in the legs.

Spinal Cord Injuries
Spinal cord injuries are the most serious of all back injuries. Severe damage to the spinal cord can result in permanent paralysis and disability depending on the location of the injury.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

If your back has been injured in an accident caused by another party, Avrek Law Firm is dedicated to helping back injury victims recover the compensation they need and deserve. Hiring the right auto accident attorney is paramount to the outcome of your case – call our office or complete our online form to schedule a free consultation today!

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