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Quadriplegic Injuries Caused by Car Accidents

Severe spinal cord injuries at C1 to C7 level (the highest vertebrae that protect the spinal cord) can result in paralysis of all four limbs, which are known as quadriplegic injuries. According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center at UAB, 2018 statistics show that 39% of these injuries are caused by vehicular accidents. The average age of those with spinal cord injuries is 43-years-old.

Avrek Law Firm’s quadriplegia lawyer team has dedicated their practices to helping people who have been injured, have more than 50 years of collective experience representing victims in these types of cases, and have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements for clients. Not to mention, this qualified team knows all about sciatic nerve damage compensation, as well as the important answer to the question “How much can someone sue for a car accident?”

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Spinal Cord Injuries

Anyone who has suffered this catastrophic injury knows about the pain and suffering, extensive medical care and expenses, disability, and long-term and completely life-altering consequences. But, no one truly knows what to expect physically after a car accident. If your injuries were received in a motor vehicle accident caused by another party’s negligent driving conduct, you should consult with an experienced auto accident attorney as soon as possible.

Spinal cord injuries suffered in car accidents are serious – the NSCISC reports motor vehicle accidents are the most common cause of these injuries in the last 10 years. If you’ve been in an auto accident and are feeling pain, tingling or numbness as a result, you may have suffered a serious spinal cord injury.

Symptoms of Quadriplegia

The lowest part of the spinal cord still functioning properly after injury is referred to as the level of the injury. A spinal cord injury can be complete or incomplete. An injury is called complete if all or nearly all sensation and motor function are lost below the level of the injury. If there is some feeling and/or ability to control movement below the level of the injury, the injury is called an incomplete injury.

With quadriplegic injuries, paralysis affects the arms, hands, trunk, legs and pelvic organs. Symptoms most often will include:

  • Loss of sensation, including temperature and touch
  • Loss of movement
  • Loss of ability to control bladder and bowels
  • Inability to breathe normally, requiring medical equipment
  • Difficulty coughing or clearing the lungs
  • Spasms or exaggerated reflex activity
  • Loss of sexual function, sensitivity and fertility
  • Intense stinging sensations caused by spinal cord nerve fiber damage

Recovering Compensation for Quadriplegia Caused by Car Accidents

Suffering a car crash injury is stressful and debilitating, and can cause serious financial and quality-of-life disruption. You are not alone – the quadriplegic lawyers at Avrek Law Firm have a strong record of successfully representing victims who have suffered spinal cord injuries.

Our experienced car accident lawyers understand that no settlement or award can fully compensate you for an injury caused by the negligence of another person. We will fight for the maximum compensation you need and deserve to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses associated with your injuries.

When working with an Avrek Law Firm auto accident lawyer, your case is in good hands and you can be confident that we will pursue every possible form of damages for what happened. We maintain the goal of helping you have the best possible quality of life, as well as the most advanced treatments available for quadriplegic injuries. Call our office or fill out the online form today to schedule your free case consultation.

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