With the density of daily traffic on a steady rise, people are constantly looking for alternate ways to get where they need to go minus the stress of muscling it out in a car on the open road. Luckily, cities and states are slowly but surely becoming more and more accepting of the bicycle as a form of transportation. Today, there are thousands of roads that have a dedicated bike lane to help those who prefer this two-wheeled personal transportation to get where they need to go. However, despite the dedicated lane granted to bike riders, there are still those who break the rules and regulations of the road, which includes riding on the wrong side of the road.
It’s not uncommon to find bikers speeding through pedestrian lanes and even counter flowing through heavy traffic for reasons unknown to most. What these law breakers fail to realize is that they too are subject to the same regulations that keep everyone else in check.
Bike Riders and the Law
Private car drivers, public transportation vehicles, motorcyclists, and bicycle riders share the same road, which means they all need to adhere to the same safety laws to ensure not only their own safety, but also the safety of all those on the road. Because a bicycle is a lot smaller and easier to maneuver than other vehicles on the road, bike riders think they can weave and bike against traffic simply because they physically can. The truth is, cyclists need to follow the same rules, the same limits, and the same restrictions that others follow – regardless of how easy it is for them to squeeze through other vehicles or bike on the wrong side of the road.
The Importance of Adhering to Traffic Rules and Regulations

There are several good reasons why bike riders should religiously adhere to the rules of the road, and this short list should give you a better idea of just why those regulations were put into action in the first place.
Bicycle Accident Injuries are Significantly More Severe. Although there may be a law mandating two-wheeled transportation device riders wear a helmet whenever they’re out on the open road, something as simple as headgear won’t be able to protect a bike rider from serious injuries when involved in a collision. It’s important to remember that a bike does not have any sort of external protection to save its rider from the perils of a traffic accident, and that’s why bicyclists who are involved in road accidents are more likely to sustain more severe injuries, including death. While it’s dangerous enough to ride a bike alongside gas-powered vehicles, it’s even more perilous to ride against traffic. As a cyclist, you should certainly know the correct answer to the question: Which side of the road do you ride a bike on?
Limited Visibility. One of the reasons why bike riders claim to prefer biking over driving is because a bike is smaller, more compact and easier to maneuver than a car. While this can be a good thing when you follow the regulations of the road, it’s these very characteristics that can make riding a bike on the road all the more dangerous. A speeding bike can hardly be seen by a car that’s backing up or by motorists merging with traffic. Additionally, when cyclists bike against traffic, cars going in the opposite direction won’t expect a bicycle coming at them head on, so they’re less likely to be able to steer clear of an accident.
Limited Reaction Time. No one expects to see a bike speeding at them from the front, and that’s why it’s almost inevitable to encounter an accident when you ride against traffic on a bike. The other motorists going in the opposite direction are only given a limited reaction time to maneuver their vehicle away from you, and even if they do, they’re likely to collide with others on the road.
Involved in a Biking Accident on the Road? Call The Pros.
Whether a cyclist is biking with or against traffic, when an accident happens, the injuries and damages of the cyclist can be catastrophic. If you or someone you know was recently involved in a road collision involving a bike, and serious physical and mental injuries were sustained, you are entitled to receive compensation from the responsible party. These cases can be difficult to prove, so it’s advisable to hire a professional personal injury lawyer to help with your case.
Avrek Law has more than 50 years of combined experience in the successful resolution of cases for clients who were wrongfully injured in bicycle accidents. Together, the team has recovered more than $2 Billion in compensation in over 45,000 cases. View our locations or contact us for a free bike accident consultation to learn more.