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Recovering Above the Average Settlement: Taxi Cab Accident

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Residents and visitors of California still use taxi cabs all the time, either to or from the airport, to avoid driving after drinking alcohol or simply because they don’t have a car of their own to drive. So, you may be wondering, “What happens if a taxi hit my car?” The answer is likely that you’ll need a taxi cab accident lawyer.

Unfortunately, many lives can be shattered in an instant due to the negligence or recklessness of a taxi driver or other drivers on the road. Millions of people get hurt, and hundreds of thousands die each year as a result of a taxi accident. Injuries that occur in a taxi cab crash are not always serious, but in the worst cases, these collisions can result in permanent injuries that can disrupt your life or can result in death.

Facts About a General Taxi Accident:

  • There is a solid connection between a driver’s crash rate and his salary. As indicated by a study, the higher the drivers’ salaries, the lower the crash rates are. On the other hand, when the U.S. was in a recession, which likewise brought down the earnings of taxi drivers, the crash rates altogether expanded.
  • Passengers without safety belts are twice as likely to experience the ill effects of deadly or general wounds when compared to belted travelers.
  • Even with well-being limitations, taxi travelers have higher harm rates contrasted with general car travelers. Specialists trust that this pattern is connected to the nearness of parcel in many taxicabs.
  • Driving for more than eight hours a day fundamentally lessens a driver’s reaction time. This finding is upheld by a review demonstrating that more than two million crashes in 2008 were credited to driver weariness.
  • Texting drivers are 20 times more prone to crash when compared to individuals who are not distracted. With this finding, the government of California passed a law that disallows drivers of business vehicles (e.g. cabs, transports and trucks) to work any specialized gadget to send, compose or view messages.
  • Novice drivers have an exceedingly awful driving record, as they were 5.5 times more inclined to submit to petty criminal offense contrasted with experienced, full-time drivers.
  • Drivers who own their taxicabs and drive full-time are better behaved than those who are renting their taxis.

Common Accidents Involving Taxi Cabs

  1. Driving Distracted Distraction at the wheel is one of the problems that causes accidents around the world. Most often, the taxi driver is distracted while talking on the cell phone, texting or eating.
  2. Driving at High Speeds Many taxi drivers ignore speed limits and end up losing control of the cab.
  3. Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and/or Drugs Drinking or using drugs profoundly affects concentration, decreases reflexes and alters perception.
  4. Driving Recklessly Aggressive taxi drivers who change lanes too fast, make inappropriate turns without using flashers and do not respect safe distances between vehicles can end up causing a rear-end and other collisions.
  5. Inclement Weather Many accidents occur when weather conditions deteriorate, as tires lose grip and it is more difficult to maintain the direction of the cab. Closed curves and mountain roads are places that represent the greatest dangers, especially for inexperienced taxi drivers.
  6. Ignoring Traffic Signs Passing through a red light, whether by carelessness or recklessness, is one of the most common infractions that gives rise to accidents.
  7. Night Driving Roads are more dangerous at night, as visibility can decrease considerably.
  8. Unsafe Lane Changes One of the most dangerous blind spots in a car can affect the change of lanes because, for a few seconds, the car in the lane next to you, likely trying to pass, disappears from your field of vision.
  9. Fatigued Driving Fatigue is one of the major causes of accidents, especially when long trips are necessary.
  10. Tire Problems Each year more and more drivers postpone the maintenance of their cars and the tires are a major issue. In fact, it is estimated that in three of every four accidents caused by a defect in the vehicle, the fault was that of the tires.
Broken window - get above the average settlement taxi cab accident by calling Avrek Law

Common Injuries Suffered in a Taxi Accident

  • Spine Injuries. This type of injury occurs mainly when the taxi stops abruptly, and part of the neck and the spine are subjected to a force that exceeds their capacity of resistance. When the movement is very abrupt, permanent injuries, or even death, can occur.
  • Fractures or Broken Bones. When a part of the body is struck hard, the bones may become fractured or broken, meaning a long, and sometimes complicated, recovery period.
  • Internal Injuries. These occur when the person’s body is struck so that one of their internal organs is harmed. Sometimes these types of injuries may not be detected initially and their consequences are greater than they may appear at first glance. They are usually preceded by muscle aches or chest and abdominal pain.
  • Brain Injury. A blow to the head can result in anything from bruising to a fractured skull. In the worst case, the damage goes directly to the brain. This can also cause death or affect the quality of life of the  person going forward.

What To Do if You Are a Car Accident Taxi Passenger

It is important to know what to do if you are involved and or injured in a taxi accident.

  • Call 911 if you are injured.
  • Take photos or video of the accident and your injuries.
  • Get information from any witnesses that saw what happened.
  • Contact a taxi cab accident lawyer.
  • Contact your insurance company.

Taxi Cab Insurance

Taxi cab drivers must have liability insurance, in the same way public transport trucks and trains are required. In fact, all modern, private transportation systems must have an insurance policy in case of an accident. This insurance must have the necessary coverage to cover the expenses of a car accident in case you:

  • Get hit by a taxi
  • Are a passenger in a taxi and injured as the result of the accident

A claim is completely viable if you happen to be injured using one of these services, or if a vehicle that offers these services causes an accident due to recklessness. The time it takes you to file a lawsuit after the accident is of super importance in resolving your case in your favor.

What is My Taxi Cab Accident Settlement Worth?

The worth of your taxi cab accident settlement will depend of many factors, including the percentage of liability during the accident, the parties involved and the level of injuries. This is why it is important to seek legal guidance as soon as possible to ensure the maximum compensation for any damages and injuries you may have suffered in the taxi accident.

Do I Need a Taxi Cab Accident Lawyer?

Different rules apply in the case of taxi accidents, so it is important that you talk to an expert lawyer, like those at Avrek Law, who knows every detail of the law. The experienced car accident attorneys at Avrek Law Firm know how to deal with insurance companies and can assist in finding the appropriate medical treatment you’ll need to recover from injuries as quickly as possible.

If you were injured while traveling as a passenger in a taxi, call the attorneys at the Avrek Law Firm. Our track record speaks for itself, and our team has more than 50 years of combined experience resolving cases in favor of clients who were wrongly injured. Avrek Law has recovered more than $2 Billion in compensation for injury victims in over 45,000 cases, so when you need a taxi accident lawyer, we are here to help! Contact us for a free consultation to learn more!

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