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Understand The Ins And Outs of a Personal Injury Claim Release

Injuries happen every day. Ensuring that you get the compensation you are rightfully owed can be challenging, especially when the party responsible is refusing to play ball. When injured, it is common to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of documents that will come in from your insurance company. While some of these documents will be simple correspondences, other may be more important. For example, you will often get requests for additional information after filing a claim related to an injury. On top of this, you will get releases from the insurance company. Understanding release papers is critical because they can potentially remove the liable party from certain responsibilities they would otherwise have.

Releases are not unusual when it comes to personal injury claims and you may come across a few during your claim process. While it may feel routine, it is imperative that you do not sign a release without a full and complete understand of what the release is for. If any part of the process is unclear (which given the technical legal nature of the process is not uncommon), then consider the legal assistance of a company that has represented countless people who have been in your position in the past.

Here at Avrek Law Firm, we believe that every person deserves the best legal assistance. In an extension of the services we provide every day, we have including information below to help you take a closer look at the different kinds of releases. Along with covering their purpose, we will also review how these documents can impact the amount you get paid in a personal injury claim. With that out of the way, let’s begin.

3 Releases You Should Be Aware Of

It is common for insurance companies to provide three different types of releases during the claims process. If you have a personal injury claim currently pending, then expect the following authorizations to come your way.

1. Property Damage Settlement Release
This is a type of release that can differ a great deal depending on the amount of damage your car sustained during an accident. The insurance company will typically go one of two ways. They will either give you a check to cover the costs of damage incurred to the vehicle or cut you a check for the value of the vehicle. If they pay for fixes, the then they can pay the repair shop directly.

2 Claim of Liability Release
The claim of liability release will come at the end of the insurance process. It is the last thing that you sign as it releases the insurance company from any claims by you in the future for damages caused in that accident. It will let the insurance company off the hook and should never be signed before you are paid the amount agreed upon according to the plan.

3. Medical Authorization Release
The medical authorization release allows the insurance company to obtain your medical history. With this permission, they will go to your health care providers and collect medical information as they assess the damages caused to you. This lets them look not only at your present medical information, but also your past medical information as well.

The Right Approach

In order to navigate the legal process to your maximum benefit, it is imperative that you carefully read through the forms before signing. You need to fully understand what the terms are as well as how much they are willing to pay you. Be aware that signing releases can impact your case and counter your best interests if you are not careful. If you believe something is fishy with the release you are given or you need additional assistance in navigating this process, then turn to the Orange County personal injury attorney who has made their name defending individuals just like you.

Avrek Law Firm

Avrek Law Firm
consists of a dedicated team of professionals who have helped clients reach the best possible monetary settlements from the accidents they were involved in. If you or someone you love was involved in an accident caused by the reckless or negligent actions of another, then you will need the assistance of a professional team that will give your case the best chance of succeeding. Give us a call today at 866-598-5548 to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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